I wanted to do a post on substitutions.
We have some food allergies in our house so we have gotten used to changing our recipes around. Pretty well all of the recipes that I will be posting are changed :) I will add what I have done at the bottom of the recipes.
We use organic Coconut milk and Coconut Oil in our baking, they give the baking a tasty and non greasy flavor. We also use rice dream and goat milk, as well as cow's milk.

When we use sugar in baking I usually use sucanet. We buy from Wholesome Sweeteners-we get the 50 pound bag which is about $115.00- this lasts our family+my grandparents at least a year and three months ( and we bake alot )When we bake with it we use 1/3 cup to the 1 cup the recipe calls for. That way it is not too sweet. Sucanet has a very nice taste to it as well.

When we are baking bread I make Spelt bread for Mom and I as sometimes wheat bothers us. There will be a post on that soon! I also find with spelt you sometimes have to use a bit more as it is a very soft grain. I always use spelt when I am making cookies, cakes... things like that. I usually make the boys whole wheat bread. I will be doing a post on how I make our bread soon! I also like using dark (whole) spelt when I bake with cocoa. Nobody knows!
