We have been making lots of apple sauce this week for the freezer. We have a great food mill that allows us to wash the apples, cut them in half and then bake them in the oven. We let the apples cool a bit and then put the through the food mill. There is very little waste and the sauce is so tasty!

Working at the health food store has been going very well. I am enjoying working with all the bulk food (and just food in general!) The lady I work for is very nice - she has been teaching me lots about the store. I have mostly been taking the bulk food items and putting them into smaller bags or containers, labeling them, weighing them and putting them on the shelves. I have also done some cleaning and working at the counter.

Working at the health food store has been going very well. I am enjoying working with all the bulk food (and just food in general!) The lady I work for is very nice - she has been teaching me lots about the store. I have mostly been taking the bulk food items and putting them into smaller bags or containers, labeling them, weighing them and putting them on the shelves. I have also done some cleaning and working at the counter.
Mom and I are going to be looking after a little girl full time until April. We are enjoying getting all the baby stuff out, washed and ready. We are having her a few times over the next couple of weeks to get her used to everything. We had her for the afternoon today, she is sleeping in Mom and Dad's room right now. Alexia's 1st Birthday is on Saturday!