This past week has been... interesting as you can see by my post title. We had a large storm last Saturday night that took out our Internet so my blogging came to an abrupt standstill 'till yesterday.
Last Thursday night we had Scott's violin teacher Suzanne and her husband David for dinner before Scott heads off to University. It was lovely to be able to visit with them. I used to sell them eggs before I sold my chickens this past spring.
Last Friday evening Dad, Mom, Scott and I went to a piano recital of a young man whose family we have known since I was little. Wei is going off to University this fall for his second year. He gave an amazing concert!
Saturday was Mom and Dad's 28th Anniversary! This picture was taken of them before they left for the day. They had fun doing different things together and they spent the night in a nice hotel and then drove to meet us three kids at our next event...
Scott played the violin at a house concert of a retired opera singer we know who Scott has had the great pleasure of playing with over the past couple of years. Here is a fun picture of the two of them.
Scott and David
The three kids
A nice picture of Dad and Scott
Good to be back in blog land! Hope you are all having a good week.
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.