Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Is Coming!

It's a snowy wet day outside and the trees are weighed down heavily by icicles. Inside it is nice and warm by the wood stove as I type. I have missed blogging lately! As our family computer is still "out of order", Dad kindly lent me his laptop.

Dad bought some pretty blue Christmas lights to put along the front of our house! We haven't had lights for a few years... we are enjoying their friendly glow.

I have been doing the in class portion of my Drivers Ed since last week. I will be done on Wednesday. After Christmas I will be doing the in car portion. I am enjoying it, there are a lot of things that are good to know.

I have been learning Christmas music the last few weeks on the piano! "Angels We Have Heard On High" and a new one that my teacher Emily gave me, it's called "Christmas Is A Time To Love". It's very pretty. Shawn is learning it on the guitar to play with me too.

Baking will start this week (Lord willing!), I am hoping to make the family favorites as well as a new recipe or two. I have set up the wrapping center to start wrapping this week as well.

Have a wonderful 3rd week of Advent everyone!