40 days of Lent officially started on Ash Wednesday. Andy's funeral that day made Lent seem more real. Dying to ourselves. Alive in Christ! Our church had an Ash Wednesday Mass in the evening. Dad was travelling from Windsor to Toronto that night. He stopped at the cathedral in London for Mass. We are glad to have him home!
My cousin Mary (blue coat) called on Thursday to see if I could visit on Friday. We spent most of the day together and then had supper with Aunt Gwen, Uncle Robin, Mary and Leah. It's great to have them here. Dad picked me up on his way home from Toronto... well kinda on the way home...
Mom, Shawn and I are part of an initiative in our Parish to get the children, youth and young adult ministries planted with a solid base. Shawn and I were at a youth leader and youth workshop in the city last night. We met some great people there. It was nice to hear different ideas and what works in the nearby Parishes. Dad's head of the Property Committee at church. The plans are moving forward to address the office and rectory needs and the washrooms in the church.These are big building projects that they are hoping to have completed by the fall.
We all miss having little Alexia at our house during the week... Please pray for her Mom, Leah, as she is due to have another baby in the next week or so.
Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty.