Mom went on a silent retreat with a good friend over the weekend. Mom's time there was a real blessing for her. She had some wonderful times to just sit and have some quiet prayer time.
Dad and us three kids watched a good movie on Saturday night. All you history people out there would really enjoy it!! I thought it was a nice story and really enjoyed it myself. Dad did say the best part of the film was seeing Clark Gable being put over the side at sea after he passed away (most of the film was at sea) but then Dad is not a huge CG fan! It is at the A. library if any of you are interested in seeing it.
Daddy also helped get my ATV in great working order on Saturday...that was exciting!! It felt great to be driving about in it again.
We have got alot of rain over the past few days so everything is greening up beautifully! All our perennials in the flower garden are coming up nicely. I am going to start planning the vegetable garden out this week with Mom. We were given some garlic to try planting last fall. They are coming up great Mrs. L!
Have a great week everyone.