Louise is going away for the summer doing a mission with "Crossroads Pro-life". Here is the link. I'll miss you Louise. May God richly bless you. I took a picture after our time together today. Here is Rosie, Tannis and Louise.
"For we are His workmanship, created in Jesus Christ for His good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.- Ephesians 2:10
On Thursday May 12th we went to the annual March for Life in Ottawa. We went on a bus with our church. A few people from other local churches came on our bus as well. We left Almonte at 8:15 in the morning to drive into the city. We went to Mass at St. Patricks Basilica first. After that the bus took us to the Hill to hear some speeches and singing. The March started at 1:30. Reports said approximately 15,000 in attendance. About 2500 more people then last year! Waiting for the speeches to start
Some of our group from Holy Name of Mary Parish plus two other ladies that came on our bus
Interviews with the press
Friends - Louise's brother Peter, Louise and I Interviews with the crowd
Sisters from our Parish - Victoria, Julia and I
Listening to the speeches Sisters - Victoria, Olivia and Julia The march starting People coming back to the hill"Any country that excepts abortion is not teaching it's people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of peace and love is abortion." - Mother Teresa