Hello everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I know it is very overdue in coming but you will see why...
We had a nice Christmas here as a family. Christmas Eve was spent getting last minute things done and making a nice family dinner. We had an early dinner and then drove to Ottawa to go to Mass and a Christmas Eve party at the residence were Scott lives. We also picked up a friend that Scott had met at school. Her name is Anastassia. She is at school for piano performance. She is a lovely girl, we got along very well. She was not able to go home until New Years so we had her at our home for Christmas. It was nice to get to know her. We had to leave the party early to get to our church for midnight Mass. It was a busy evening! Very fun though...
Christmas day we slept in a bit.... then had Nana and Papa over for a Christmas brunch. After we had eaten we opened gifts and had a relaxing afternoon. In the evening we had dinner at Nana and Papa's house. A classic Christmas dinner, turkey and stuffing with cranberry sauce...
December 27th we drove down to Guelph to have a family dinner with Mom's three brothers and their family's. Nana and Papa drove down for that as well. December 28th and 29th was spent visiting more relatives in Dorchester and London. We stopped off in Erin (north of Brampton) to see long time friends on the way home for a short visit. That was our Christmas! A full and fun time...
Anastassia with us three kids by the tree after getting home from midnight Mass.

You are probably all wondering where the Christmas pictures are... my camera broke about six weeks ago. Dad and I brought it into the store where I had bought it only two years ago. They said that to fix it the cost would be over $150 dollars. I think I will end up buying a new camera. I really miss taking pictures!

Our days have been filled with the joy of having a baby in the house. Alexia is a sweetie that is for sure... she keeps us busy!

Last night Mom and Dad taught us how to play "euchre". We are trying it out again tonight. I think Shawn and I should be able to pick it up pretty quickly... we hope so anyway.
Have a wonderful week everyone ~ God Bless.