After church today our friends the B. family came over for Sunday brunch. It was great to see them. Their daughter Alexia is the little girl we looked after for a few months last year. Alexia and I
Her little sister Lina
She is sooo cute
They are moving to Newfoundland in the next few months so it was great to be able to spend this time with them!
Louise and I had a fun dinner/spend the night last week.... it was great to catch up. The next day we joined her sister Rosie and another friend for lunch. Good times.
-A friend is the one who knows all about you... and still likes you!
New Years Eve all the family was still here so we had our family Christmas dinner/New Years that evening. We were all pretty tired. Most of us did make it to midnight though! Here are all my AuntsOpening gifts
Love birds
Sound proof headphonesNew Christmas PJ's!
Sometimes I worry about Scott...
.... now I know why
Cousin Tabitha
Aunt Pina and Giardana
Nathan and Sarah pondering the wonder of Christmas
My Uncle Scott and Dad playing Dance off against a video game. Entertaining to say the least!