I was thinking that a great way to start off this post would be with a oh-so-cute puppy picture...
The last few months have been very busy. I took some pictures along the way (as promised!)
Louise and myself taking a walk along the river one cold wintery day
Having breakfast together during Louise's reading week
February 13th, we celebrated Nana's 70th birthday by having a get-together with family and friends at a local Chinese restaurant and then going back to their place for dessert
Last month, there was a "Star Wars" themed birthday party for our friend, Patrick. Here are some of the costumes!
With some friends at this month's CCO Adoration night
Bowling with the Youth Group on Sunday, here are all the girls
Mom and myself went to see Les Miserables this week, a very well done movie. It was my second time seeing it.. and I wouldn't mind seeing it again!
On March 13th, Pope Francis 1 was elected! It was a very exciting day, It was awesome to be able to watch on the TV as he came out to bless everyone for the first time...

..which leads me into some very exciting news! I am going to World Youth Day in July for two weeks! I was not planning on going... I didn't even register. But earlier this week I received a phone call from a dear lady that Mom and I had met in November at the Women of Bethany retreat in Ottawa. She said that she had been praying all winter for someone that could go -she had been saving up money. Long story short, she called me! It all fell into place... there was one spot open in the group that is going... I got the time off work and... my parents let me go! I'm very excited, it should be awesome. I would appreciate your prayers as I prepare!
I'll leave you all with something to make you smile... Have a wonderful weekend everyone!