Thursday was our last drama practice when we took apart some scenes that we found needed work from the rehearsal. Saturday is the big day! Show time :)
On Wednesday I went with Caroline to see a movie in the city and then spent the night at her house. We had a really fun time. Nice to see you Caroline! Caroline, Tannis (her Mom) and Louise (maybe her sister Rosie) are all coming for the drama performance :)
Today was spent doing some cleaning around the house and Mom and I giving my room a good cleaning. Also getting ready for tomorrow and making sure my drama lines are just right. Scott also is cleaning out the chicken coop today - a very kind gesture.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I will be back with a drama post (Lord willing)!!!
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Philippians 4.13
I'm sure the performance will be terrific, have a great time :)
The performance pictures turned out great. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. " ) Cleaning out the chicken coop is not a fun job but neccessary. : ) Have a wonderful week and cannot wait to see your pictures of your play.
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