Our Internet has been cutting out, on and off the past few weeks hence my lack of blogging! Soooo.... Happy Canada Day everyone! Canada day for me (and the day before) was spent doing inventory at work.... I can now honestly tell you that I know 99.99 of everything that we have in the store....
After I finished up inventory I joined Shawn and Scott at a Youth Group event that was going on at the Jahn's house. We had a swim and then drove over to see the fireworks in Almonte.
Last night we had long time friends of ours, the Poons over for a visit. We have known them since I was 6 months old! Gosh, suddenly I feel old...
They are moving from their home in Ottawa to Calgary this month so this dinner together was our last time together for a while. We are going to miss them. Dad travels to Calgary a few times a year so Mom and Dad will hopefully see them at different times. Chris is home from Hong Kong. He has been doing mission work there over the past 8 months.
Playing Apples to Apples (I lost badly)
Last Monday, Mom and I went to see Leah, Alexia and Lina for a few hours. Little Lina is getting so big! Here is sweet Alexia.
Yogurt is fun!
Baby Lina
Have a great week everyone!
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