For me, my blog is something that is always there... somewhere that I can share my thoughts, family news and pictures, hopes, joys and dreams. I love having a record of what is going on in my life. One day I can look at a picture and say "I remember where that was taken". Something I would never remember otherwise. I love being able to share also what God has been doing in my life and different scripture verses that He has revealed to me.
Today my new laptop arrived in the mail! It will be great to have all my pictures and music together on the same computer. It will also add ease to blogging... being able to say things as they come to mind.
I love blogging... can you tell? (smile)
My life the past few months has been busy with work. I am working just over part time now since my boss has been slowly returning to work after the birth of her second little girl. I am continuing to enjoy learning new things about the health food business.
I have been spending a fair bit of time looking for and praying about College and University opportunities.. wow there are alot of options out there... I think this fall I will be continuing to live at home while going to school somewhere in Ottawa or taking an online course while still working. I have looked into nutrition but I am also looking into business as well. So many decisions! Your prayers would be kindly appreciated.
Well, I don't know about ya'll but I can't wait for spring to come! I can already smell the air after the first grass cutting, the smell of burgers grilling on the BBQ and driving to work with the windows down... hair blowing in the breeze... summer is the best!
It is "sapposed" to warm up the next few days according to the weather man... that would be great for all our friends and neighbours tapping trees for syrup!
What are you all up to this week? Wishing you a joy filled one!