Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Announcing The Birth of Lina Elizabeth...

... born March 29th 2011 at 10:14pm - weighing 7lbs 12oz.

We had Alexia all day Tuesday while Leah was having the baby. Mom was at their house for the morning with her. Mid afternoon Mom brought her back to our house for dinner and her bath. It was great to see Alexia as we have missed seeing her every day! Here is Alexia on my iPod, looking at pictures of herself...

She was in a wild mood

She was having lots of fun!

Daddy (Nathan), Alexia and baby Lina

So much love

Congratulations Leah and Nathan! We are so happy for you.

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Amazing Grace"

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now I'm found,

Was blind but now, I see.

- John Newton

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dinner Conference, Scott's Concert, Tea Dance and More!

Last Thursday, my boss called and wondered if I would like to come to a dinner conference in Ottawa with her that evening. It was a very nice buffet dinner. While we were eating, a naturopath gave a talk for Natural Factors (a natural supplement company) about some of their latest products. It was nice to learn more about what I am selling! Friday night was Scott's last concert of the year with the OUO (Ottawa University Orchestra). Shawn and I went early to save seats for Mom, Dad, Nana and Papa. Uncle Robin and my cousin Leah were able to come as well. Dad had been in Toronto for the last part of the week. He drove home Friday afternoon, had dinner and then drove Mom, Nana and Papa into the concert. Busy day. The orchestra played a very long piece, "Brahm's German Requiem". There was a large choir of close to 120 people. There was two vocal soloists performing as well. It was a great concert. I'm so glad we were all able to go.
This afternoon, the last tea dance of the season was held at the Almonte Town Hall. The Women's Institute always does the tea, sweets and sandwiches for the dances. I went to work with another lady this afternoon. There was lots of people out today to dance. It's fun to watch all the different couples dancing.

This past week I finished my e learning! I only have two more driving lessons before I can take my G2. I am looking forward to having all this done... and being able to just drive. I booked my test this week for April 20th. Please pray that everything goes well and that I'm not too nervous...

I have started another blog, Quotes about Life, Love and Faith. Some of you may have noticed the link on my sidebar. It's a place that I can put all the quotes that I find. Feel free to go over and take a look!
Also Shawn just started a blog A Gentleman's View. Go over and take a look! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is in the air... or is it Snow?

All at once, one day, it's spring...

- "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers"

Yesterday was the first day of spring...absolutely beautiful... today, well so far 3-4 inches of snow! I went and looked after Alexia at her house for a couple of hours today while her Mom had an appointment... we made a snowman together!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Family Time

Scott came home for part of the weekend! Shawn picked him up in Ottawa. They did a few errands and then we all met at 4:30 Mass. We were able to have some nice quiet family time together today. This morning after breakfast us kids went for a nice long walk with the dog. After we got back we spent some time shooting Shawn's new SKS. We got a movie of me shooting but I am having trouble downloading it on here... for all my facebook readers it's on my profile.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Do You Like Josh Groban's Music?

Yes! - 3

Never heard his music - 1

Thanks for participating everyone... more polls to come.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me in a straight path.
Psalm 27:11

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Tie!

"Becoming Jane" ~ 2 votes

"Pride and Prejudice" ~ 2 votes

"Sense and Sensibility" ~ 1 vote

Thank-you for participating! Look for more polls soon...

A Week Of Joy And Sadness

40 days of Lent officially started on Ash Wednesday. Andy's funeral that day made Lent seem more real. Dying to ourselves. Alive in Christ! Our church had an Ash Wednesday Mass in the evening. Dad was travelling from Windsor to Toronto that night. He stopped at the cathedral in London for Mass. We are glad to have him home!

My cousin Mary (blue coat) called on Thursday to see if I could visit on Friday. We spent most of the day together and then had supper with Aunt Gwen, Uncle Robin, Mary and Leah. It's great to have them here. Dad picked me up on his way home from Toronto... well kinda on the way home...

Mom, Shawn and I are part of an initiative in our Parish to get the children, youth and young adult ministries planted with a solid base. Shawn and I were at a youth leader and youth workshop in the city last night. We met some great people there. It was nice to hear different ideas and what works in the nearby Parishes. Dad's head of the Property Committee at church. The plans are moving forward to address the office and rectory needs and the washrooms in the church.These are big building projects that they are hoping to have completed by the fall.

We all miss having little Alexia at our house during the week... Please pray for her Mom, Leah, as she is due to have another baby in the next week or so.

Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty.
- William Shakespeare

Thursday, March 10, 2011

An Interesting Sight

This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point. You can also see the sun below the moon - not a common sight!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Josh Groban Is Coming To Town!

Dad very kindly bought Mom and I tickets to see Josh in concert at Scotiabank Place on July 22nd!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

In Memory of Andrew Frank (Andy) Dunlop 1944 - 2011

Suddenly, our dear friend, Andy Dunlop passed away on Friday, March, 4th, 2011. We attended church together in Arnprior. Betty and Andy have been a blessing to our family over the past few years. Their two sons, Drew and Christopher passed away in recent years. Their daughter Leah and husband Nathan live ten minutes from us. We've been looking after their sweet daughter Alexia for the past few months. Our last day with her was on Friday as her Mom is having another baby in the next two weeks.

Andy and Leah - January 2009

Alexia on Valentine's Day

We will miss you Andy.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The more you read, the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

- Dr. Seuss